In a nutshell
Maximise your income before the planned changes.
Obtain a free benchmarking report
Comprehensive reporting on both EMIS Web and TPPS SystmOne Clinical Systems
Where does the time go? It is hard to believe that the vast majority of general practices have been operating Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) since its inception in 2004.
Essentially, QOF is a pay for performance scheme designed to reward practices for providing high-quality care. QOF has greatly influenced how general practice manages and delivers its long-term condition care as well as forming a substantial income stream.
Over the years, QOF has undergone a series of reforms and developments with the latest review and proposed changes recently published by NHS England.
The proposed changes will no doubt be subject to debate and negotiation before pilots are commissioned with the final scheme put into practice. This is not an overnight job and gives your practice an opportunity to maximise QOF income while it still can. Here at BW Medical Accountants we can help you improve your QOF performance.
BW Medical offers a QOF Review Service which benchmarks your current performance against national prevalence figures, provides assistance in reviewing your current system and processes for call and recall of patients as well as provide comprehensive reporting to help assist with case-finding on both EMIS Web and TPP SystmOne clinical systems.
Contact us to arrange your FREE benchmarking report. 0191 500 6930