“What if I told you 10 years from now your life would be exactly the same? Doubt you'd be happy. So, why are you afraid of change?” Karen Salmansohn, bestselling author
A couple of weeks ago I was approached by a client going for an interview, who asked if I could help them prepare a couple of slides that explained the programme they had been through with us around engagement.
The scenario they faced is one that is common to any leadership role, and they were asked to prepare a short presentation on how they would address the following:
The role is pivotal for the successful running of the centre. The centre team will look to you for leadership, expertise, inspiration and guidance. How will you ensure that you provide this for the team as well as balancing the pressures from external stakeholders?
What my client wanted to do was use the process we had worked them through previously in order to take a refreshing approach and ensure as wide an engagement process as you can get – that way they avoid external pressure, as all stakeholders are involved in whatever process they are developing.
To further explain; what this programme does is avoid the current top down model used in the NHS, which almost invariably fails. That process is based on a once successful management approach, where a parallel organisation exists – the steering group or subcommittee approach - with the chosen few making decisions for the many, and then only engaging with stakeholders once the direction or initial plans have been create. It is no longer fit for purpose.
What you will find is that where people are not involved right from the beginning, they are more likely to resist and obstruct, even when the ideas are good. People recognise that they are being sold something rather than being asked for their input from the start.
Securing your organisation for the future means taking a new approach to engagement, where everyone affected is engaged right at the start; inclusivity of all stakeholders involved in the process. Whether 9, 90, 900 or 9,000, it matters not, it is possible to engage every stakeholder and give them a voice and ownership.
Whilst challenging, this ensures that the vision created is one that has been developed by all those who have a role to play, whatever that role, leading to buy-in and ownership of what you create as a community for change and bringing about a critical mass for driving successful change/projects. Furthermore, the process ensures that your team has the capacity and resilience to meet future demands and challenges in a constantly changing world.
Your approach to any challenges and/or changes will be to:
- Gain a broad understanding of the desired outcomes
- Explain in detail the engagement model and process
- Identify and agree all stakeholders
- Agree data and information requirements
From there it becomes about execution. The stakeholders, then own and lead the process to design/develop and implement the change as part of a “community for change”. This avoids the top down process which is unlikely to deliver and more likely to create resistance.
All of this is achieved in 3 main workshops and 2 mini workshops to deliver remarkable results. If you want to know more about how, please use the details below.
If you are thinking of developing an at scale provider organisation, or about delivering any form of change, or you would like to know more about any of the business cases we have for service provision, and would like more information on how BW Medical Accountants can support you, or to arrange to speak to one of our experts please contact enquiry@bw-medical.co.uk or call 0191 653 1022.
Additionally, if you should have questions for us please email rachael.mackay@bw-medical.co.uk and we will do our best to answer these within the blog.