The new NHS market, and the contractual changes in the way Local Enhanced Services are being tendered, are a very real challenge to General Practice.
The RCGP defines federating as - Practices 'working together to share resources, expertise and services'. In effect this means a group of practices collectively,
1. Developing new services
2. Tendering for services
3. Jointly gaining efficiency savings and economies of scale
4. Improving local service integration
5. Being able to better compete with private providers
6. Strengthening clinical governance, quality and safety
7. Developing training and education capacity.
At BW Medical Accountants we firmly believe that it is essential that General Practice, as providers, meet these challenges head on. To do that though they need to be prepared to re-think the current delivery models, particularly if they are to be in a position to secure services for patients at a local level, whilst maximising control of delivery and quality.
One solution to meet these challenges is to develop a GP Federation. A GP Federation can simply be an informal association of practices; equally it might be the full amalgamation of GP Practices into a "Super Practice"; however, many Practices prefer to remain independent and instead choose to form a company to protect income and allow them to bid for services.
To obtain a copy of our free guide; Forming a Federation, get in touch by phone or email We have a number of guides to assist you.